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  • Light green
  • Forms dense bushes
  • Relatively small leaves
  • Very easy
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  • Forms long, creeping shoots
  • Roundish leaves
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
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  • Small, very decorative swordplant
  • Striking red-brown blotch pattern on light-green ground
  • Also recommendable for small aquariums
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  • Also traded as Echinodorus "Purpurea"
  • Small, very decorative swordplant
  • Contrasting dense blotch pattern
  • About 15 cm high
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  • The most popular ground covering plant there is
  • Forms intense green carpets
  • Fast grower
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  • Light to medium green, grass-like leaves
  • Suitable as group or lawn
  • Not demanding
  • Medium-sized chain sword
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  • Bright light green ground cover
  • Height ca. 5-10 cm
  • Fast growing
  • Not demanding
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  • Grasslike ground covering plant
  • Very narrow leaves
  • Olive green to reddish coloration
  • Spreads fast through runners
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  • Also known as Micranthemum glomeratum and "M. micranthemoides"
  • Delicate fresh green stem plant
  • Small leaves
  • Forms dense bushes
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  • Shoot tips resemble snow crystals
  • Intense green coloration
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks