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  • Time-tested, robust epiphyte
  • Typical fern-like appearance
  • Transparent bottle-green leaves
Price on request
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  • Relatively low Echinodorus cultivar
  • Deeply dark red with lighter nerves
  • Broadly elliptic leaves
  • Undemanding
Price on request
In stock, only 14 left
  • Medium sized sword plant
  • New leaves pink with dark red spots
  • Very narrowly elliptic leaf shape
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 20 left
  • Large, entirely green solitary plant
  • Elongate, ovate leaves
  • No high demands
  • Comparatively fast growing
In stock, only 20 left
  • Forms dense carpets or cushions
  • Small leaves
  • Spiky texture
  • Rare, new in the trade
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  • Very narrow, spiraling leaves
  • Fresh green colour
  • Moderate height
  • Forms runners
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  • Branching, bushy stem plant
  • Light green coloration
  • Grass-like leaves
  • Stellate leaf formation
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  • Of an intense wine red
  • Relatively undemanding
  • Loosely upright growth habit
  • Especially nice in larger groups
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  • Also known as Ludwigia sp. 'Super Red'
  • The reddest Ludwigia
  • Relatively small leaves
  • Ramifies well
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  • Light green feathery leaves
  • Loosely upright bushy growth habit
  • Very popular in aquascaping