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  • Small-leaved epiphyte
  • Robust, hard leaves
  • Very undemanding
  • Suitable for every aquarium
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  • Light coloured epiphyte
  • Lemon yellow leaves
  • As robust as normal Anubias barteri var. nana
  • Nice contrast to dark green plants
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  • Small-leaved epiphyte
  • Conspicuous white-green pattern
  • Undemanding
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  • Low and compact growth habit
  • Modest appearance
  • Slow growth
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  • Also known as Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini'
  • Small, light green swordplant
  • Ovate to cordate leaves
  • Recommendable for nano tanks
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 11 left
  • Small, slowly growing Echinodorus
  • Distinctive leaf shape
  • Suitable for nano aquariums and the foreground
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  • Also known as "Philodendron sp. Papua New Guinea"
  • Elegant tropical climbing plant
  • Very decorative in open aquariums and paludariums
In stock, only 15 left
  • Also labeled as Nomaphila siamensis 'Parvifolia'
  • Very low growth
  • Suitable for the foreground
  • Medium light demand
In stock, only 17 left
  • Medium tall, compact growth
  • Broad, light green leaves
  • Medium light demand
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  • New Hygrophila species from India
  • Reddish brown to dark olive green
  • Fast growth
  • Recommended for the background
  • Not demanding