In stock
  • Small, densely bushy Bucephalandra form
  • Very narrow, wavy leaves
  • Well growing
  • Rarely available
Price on request
In stock, only 13 left
  • Leaves with interesting dark pattern
  • Remains low
  • Slow growth rate
In stock
  • Time-tested robust Crypt
  • Forms dense groups
  • Green to brown hues
  • Coarsely undulate leaf margin
In stock
  • Time-tested robust Crypt
  • Lanceolate leaves with undulate margin
  • Brown hues, red underside
In stock, only 7 left
  • Lanceolate leaf shape
  • Olive green with darker veins
  • Suitable for the midground
  • Low lighting demand
  • Slow growth rate
In stock
  • Leaves with splendid colour pattern
  • Flat spreading leaf rosette
  • Very good aquarium suitability
  • Rare in trade
Out of stock
  • Medium-sized broad-leaved crypt
  • Green to slightly brownish leaves
  • Easy to cultivate
  • Low light demands
In stock
  • Time-tested popular Crypt
  • Green to brownish hues
  • Rather upright growth habit
Out of stock
  • Slow-growing Cryptocoryne
  • Olive green to bronze leaves
  • Undemanding
In stock
  • Time-tested popular Crypt
  • Green to brownish hues
  • Rather upright growth habit