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  • Time-tested, robust epiphyte
  • Typical fern-like appearance
  • Transparent bottle-green leaves
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  • Fast-growing aquatic fern
  • Light green
  • Undemanding
  • Suitable as submerged and floating plant
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  • Also known as Ceratopteris thalictroides "Fein"
  • Fine-leaved
  • Fast growing
  • Not demanding
  • Also suitable as floating plant
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  • "Streamlined" pinnate foliage
  • Light yellow-green
  • Fast growing
  • Also suitable as floating plant
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  • Large stem plant with finely divided leaves
  • Light green coloration
  • Bushy growth after trimming
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  • Light green feathery leaves
  • Loosely upright bushy growth habit
  • Very popular in aquascaping
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  • A small fresh green Milfoil
  • Bushy growth habit, ramifies well
  • Easy to cultivate
  • Rare, hardly available in trade elsewhere
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  • Impressive reddish-brown Milfoil
  • Relatively undemanding
  • Rare, hardly available in trade elsewhere
In stock, only 6 left
  • Also known as Armoracia aquatica
  • Small rosette plant
  • Variable leaf shape
  • Accent plant for the foreground
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks