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  • Very decorative Anubias selection
  • Small, lanceolate leaves
  • Dark green, glossy
  • Compact growth
  • Very interesting for aquascaping
In stock
  • Robust, fast-growing moss
  • Attaches itself to hardscape
  • Recommenable for natural tanks
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
In stock
  • Delicate, dense ramification
  • Almost like the branch of a fir
  • Soft fine texture
In stock
  • The most popular aquarium moss
  • Can be used in many ways
  • Undemanding
  • Very nice on driftwood
  • Also known as Taxiphyllum barbieri 'Bogor Moss'
In stock
  • Moss rarity from southern Thailand
  • Densely ramifying
  • Horizontal low growth habit
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 13 left
  • Undemanding aquarium moss
  • Ramified growth
  • Resembling a forest moss
  • Attaches well to the substate