In stock
- Time-tested, robust epiphyte
- Typical fern-like appearance
- Transparent bottle-green leaves
Out of stock
- Striking heavily bullous leaf structure
- Fresh green in colour
- Relatively small Java fern variant
- Rarely found in trade
In stock
- Narrow-leaved and relatively small
- Rather light green in colour
- Very nice on driftwood
In stock, only 4 left
- Young leaves have brown-to-orange tips
- Relatively narrow leaves
- Rare form of Java fern
- Not available in trade elsewhere
In stock
- The "classic" large-leaved Java Fern
- Time-tested robust epiphyte
- Can be used in many different ways
In stock
- Also traded as "Anubias congensis"
- Large, robust Anubias species
- Elliptic leaf shape
In stock, only 12 left
- Decorative leaf shape
- Very slow growth
- Low light demand
- Especially suited for paludariums and terrariums
In stock
- Bigger, robust Anubias variety
- Ovate leaf shape
- Suitable for cichlid tanks
- Not eaten by plant-eating fish
- Also very decorative in paludariums
In stock
- Bigger, robust Anubias variety
- Broad, heart-shaped leaves
- Forms a large group with time
- Also very decorative in paludariums
In stock, only 9 left
- Bigger, very elegant Anubias species
- Interesting triangular leaf shape
- Very slow growth
- Also very decorative in paludariums