Our hobby is all about the beauty of nature - and we want to contribute to its preservation. Please take a moment of time to read the hints and tips further below.
Should you have any questions regarding proper disposal please feel free to contact us.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Aquatic plants
Here we'd like to direct your attention to the fact that aquatic plants must not be disposed of in the local wastewater systems. It is not known whether the different species have any potential to continue growing under these conditions. In the Netherlands, for example, one species of the genus Hydrocotyle has been introduced to natural habitats because it was disposed of in the wastewater system. It is not permissible to sell this plant now in the Netherlands as it brings a misbalance to the local flora.
If you don't want to re-use cut-off plant parts or have plants you want to discard, please do not throw them into your toilet or other wastewater systems. Aquatic plants and their remains are great food for the compost heap in your garden! If you don't have one, you can put them into your green waste container alternatively.
Have you already heard of our plant swap on Flowgrow? There you can re-cycle sorted-out aquatic plants and maybe bring joy to the heart of another aquascaper or plant enthusiast.

Our deliveries may contain batteries and accumulators, therefore we are held by the German Battery Act (BattG) to inform you about the following:
In Germany, batteries and accumulators must not be disposed of in your household waste container.
You are held by law to return used batteries and accumulators. Used batteries may contain harmful substances that can do damage to the environment and to your health when stored or disposed of incorrectly. However, batteries also contain important raw materials like iron, zinc, manganese or nickel, which can be recycled. Thus you can either return the used batteries to us or hand them in free of charge e.g. in a shop close to you, a public collection point or our dispatch warehouse. End users can only hand in batteries in reasonable numbers at sales locations, and only such batteries as the dealer has or used to have in his product range.
The label with the crossed-out waste container means that you must not dispose of batteries and accumulators in your household waste. Under this sign, you will find more symbols with the following meanings:
Calibration liquids or water test solutions - there are many things that do not belong in your wastewater. Many towns and municipalities offer separate places where you can dispose of harmful substances. Please dispose of unused potentially harmful substances correctly - do it for the environment.
A great possibility of getting rid of potentially harmful substances, at least in Germany, is the so-called "Schadstoffmobil", a vehicle that comes to town twice a year where you can dispose of harmful waste. Please inquire with your municipality if such a possibility is also available in your place, or ask your local waste management enterprise.
Light bulbs
Did you know that used aquarium lights do not belong in your household waste? There are public collection places or recycling centres where you can dispose of them, or local waste management systems. Many manufacturers or importers - depending on the type of lighting - are required by law to take back used devices and to recycle them.
If you are not quite sure how you can dispose of your used lighting devices, just ask your local waste management enterprise or the manufacturer.
Electronic items
Your external filter has died, or your inline heater has quit its service? Even though there are many electronic aquarium devices whose size would allow you to put them into your household waste - this is not where they belong. Like many lighting devices, a lot of used electronic equipment can be recycled and should thus be handed in at local recycling centres. In Germany, the so-called "Schadstoffmobil", a vehicle that comes to town twice a year where you can dispose of harmful waste, sometimes also accepts smaller recyclable devices like toasters or pocket calculators. Please inquire with your municipality if such a possibility is also available in your place, or ask your local waste management enterprise. In Germany, the disposal of electrical equipment is regulated by the Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), which holds many manufacturers and importers to accept used electronic equipment for recycling free of charge.