In stock, only 17 left
- Little known rarity
- Medium green with red-brown tones
- Moderate growth rate
- Also interesting for paludariums and wabi-kusa
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- Also known as Nesaea triflora
- Yellow-green to orange tones
- Fast growth
- Rarely available in trade
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- Very decorative form of the lace plant
- Regular grid structure, elongate leaves
- Eyecatcher in large aquariums
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- Rarely available
- Relatively small floating leaves
- Scented white flower spikes
- Recommendable for open tanks
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- Also known as Bacopa sp. "Colorata"
- Red shoot tips
- Strictly upright growth habit
- Relatively slow growth rate
- Undemanding
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- Spectacular colour form of Salzmann's water hyssop
- Dark red-violet tones
- Relatively slow growth
- No high demands
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- Magnificent rosette plant
- Wavy, elongate leaves
- Mauve leaf undersides
- Relatively rare in trade
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- Rare Cryptocoryne from India
- Very narrow, long leaves
- Tufted growth, no long runners
- Good aquarium suitability
- Also suitable for hard water
In stock
- Beautiful Cryptocoryne form from India
- Brown-red with green midrib
- Decorative plant for the midground
Out of stock
- Also known as Cryptocoryne spiralis "Shola"
- Narrow-leaved light green rosette plant
- Very short runners, bushy growth
- Undemanding
- Rarely available in trade