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- Little known rarity
- Medium green with red-brown tones
- Moderate growth rate
- Also interesting for paludariums and wabi-kusa
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- Deeply dark red Alternanthera selection
- Upright growth
- Broader leaves than Alternanthera reineckii 'Rosaefolia'
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- Also known as Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink'
- Deeply red stem plant
- Has been in the hobby for a long time, very popular
- Especially suitable for Holland-style tanks
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- Also known as Nesaea triflora
- Yellow-green to orange tones
- Fast growth
- Rarely available in trade
In stock, only 9 left
- Colourful stem plant
- Narrow, 7 to 12 cm long leaves
- Upright growth habit
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- Also known as Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden'
- Greenish yellow to golden tones
- Provides a striking, bright colour accent
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- Decorative Aponogeton from Madagascar
- Strongly curled, transparent leaves
- About 30-50 cm tall
- Relatively rare in trade
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- Rarely available
- Relatively small floating leaves
- Scented white flower spikes
- Recommendable for open tanks
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- Light green
- Forms dense bushes
- Relatively small leaves
- Very easy
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- Strictly upright growth habit
- Relatively slow growth rate
- Undemanding