Out of stock
- Rarely available
- Relatively small floating leaves
- Scented white flower spikes
- Recommendable for open tanks
In stock, only 11 left
- Grasslike, comparable to Vallisneria gracilis
- Very narrow, flexible leaves
- Dark green coloration
- Also grows as epiphyte
- Undemanding
In stock, only 12 left
- Small-leaved colourful variant
- Ovate to roundish leaves
- Light to dark red hues
In stock, only 9 left
- New aquarium plant from India
- Similar but smaller than Pogostemon erectus
- Upright growth habit
- Needle-like, light green leaves
Out of stock
- Highly decorative Rotala rotundifolia form
- Loosely upright growth
- Green, beige to pink hues
In stock, only 9 left
- Hardly known Rotala form from Laos
- Very narrow, light green leaves
- Bushy growth habit
- No high demands
Out of stock
- New, hardly known Rotala species from India
- Bright green tones
- Dense foliage
- Bushy, ramified growth habit
In stock, only 17 left
- Little known rarity
- Medium green with red-brown tones
- Moderate growth rate
- Also interesting for paludariums and wabi-kusa
In stock
- Beautiful Cryptocoryne form from India
- Brown-red with green midrib
- Decorative plant for the midground
Out of stock
- Exceptional, grass-like Eriocaulon
- Leaves narrower than in "Japan Needle Leaf"
- Forms dense tufts with hair-like foliage
- Rare plant