Hedyotis salzmannii

Salzmann's mille graines

Hedyotis salzmannii

Salzmann's mille graines

  • Also known as Oldenlandia salzmannii
  • Delicate light-green stem plant
  • Not demanding
  • Rarity
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Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Hintergrundpflanze für Aquarium


Aquarienpflanze für Nano-Aquarium


Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Fast
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Medium
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 15-30 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No

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Hedyotis salzmannii, also known as Oldenlandia salzmannii, is a delicate, light green stem plant from the southern part of South America. It belongs to the Rubiaceae family as well as the coffee tree and bedstraw species. Its natural habitats are waters and wet bottom where it grows above and below water. It was introduced as aquarium plant in the 1990s, but in recent years nurseries sell Bacopa monnieri "Compact" under that name while H. salzmannii almost vanished from the aquarium hobby. However, we offer the true, rareis Hedyotis salzmannii!
In its emersed stage, it forms creeping mats with little white to light purple flowers while it grows upright as submerged plant. The long, thin submerged stems are almost 1 mm thick, little branched and with horizontally arranged leaves. The shoots are not more than 2,5 cm wide. The light green submerged leaves are up to about 1,2 mm long and 6 mm wide. The leaves of the terrestrial form are coarser, rounder and shorter.

Salzmann's mille graines is not demanding and grows relatively fast. It gets along with medium lighthing and moderate carbonate hardness. CO2 supply is not absolutely necessary but enhances the growth, as for all aquarium plants. Lower temperatures up to 25 °C are beneficial, this plant also tolerates cold water well under 20 °C. It is easily propagated by cuttings. Sometimes shoot tips detach themselves and float around in the aquarium what is apparently normal for this plant. As well as Diodia cf. kuntzei, it only develops very fine roots that anchor the stems only poorly in the substrate. Old stands of the plant tend to uprooting, and replanting of the shoot tips is necessary.

Hedyotis salzmannii looks best as a larger, up to 30 cm high group. It contrasts well with red and dark green plants with its light green tone. Salzmann's mille graines should alse be interesting as emersed, nicely flowering plant for paludariums and Wabi-Kusa.

Synonyms Anotis salzmannii DC., Oldenlandia salzmannii (DC.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks.
Misapplied names Bacopa sp. 'Pantanal'
Complete botanical name Hedyotis salzmánnii (DC.) Steud.
Family Rubiaceae
Genus Hedyotis
Difficulty easy
Usage Background, Midground, Nano tanks
Growth fast
pH value 5 - 7
Temperature tolerance 4 - 27°C
Carbonate hardness 0 - 14°dKH
Propagation Cuttings
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Anotis salzmannii DC., Oldenlandia salzmannii (DC.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks.
Misapplied names
Bacopa sp. 'Pantanal'
Complete botanical name
Hedyotis salzmánnii (DC.) Steud.
Background, Midground, Nano tanks
pH value
5 - 7
Temperature tolerance
4 - 27°C
Carbonate hardness
0 - 14°dKH
Can grow emersed?

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