Ludwigia repens

Creeping primrose-willow

Ludwigia repens

Creeping primrose-willow

  • Easy, fast growing stem plant
  • Suitable for warm and cold water aquariums
  • Olive green, orange-brown to light red tones
  • Loosely upright growth
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Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Hintergrundpflanze für Aquarium


Akzent (farbig) Aquarienpflanze

Accent (colour)

Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Fast
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Hard
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 15-60 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No
Diskus im Pflanzenaquarium
Discus suitable Yes

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Ludwigia repens is an easy, fast-growing classic amongst the aquarium plants. The Creeping primrose-willow, also known as Ludwigia natans, is native to the southern USA, Mexico and Caribbean Islands. It occurs in large amounts in various waters and swamps, emersed, as floating mats or submerged bushes. It grows creeping in its terrestrial form, therefore its name, while its underwater stems are loosely upright or slanted and ramified. This species is very variable. Our tissue-cultured plant is an old strain of typical L. repens that was already cultivated in the former GDR. Its elliptic to roundish submerged leaves are about 2 to 3,5 cm long. With moderate ligting, their upper sides show olive green to orange tones. The underside of the leaves is light purple to wine-red. The plant can also develop a strong light red coloration under intense light.

The Creeping primrose-willos is very adaptable and also thrives in aquariums without CO2 addition and with higher carbonate hardness. However, good macro- and micronutrient supply, also via the substrate, highly improves its growth. Moderate lighting is sufficient but stronger light leads to more reddish tones. Temperatures below 26 °C are favoured, warmer water is temporarily tolerated, as well as 10 °C or less. As other stem plants, this Ludwigia is easily propagated by cuttings. Due to its fast growth, trimming on a regular basis is necessary, otherwise the shoots will grow half-emersed along the surface, with many water roots.

Ludwigia repens is a versatile plant, for warm and cold water aquariums, and looks best as a bush in the mid- to background of not too small tanks. With its low demands and fast growth, it is recommendable for aquarium beginners and initial planting of newly set up tanks. It is also interesting for biotope aquariums and paludariums, imitating shallow waters and swamps in North and Central America.

The classical aquarium plant Ludwigia repens originates from the south of the United States, Central Americal and the Caribbean, where it grows on the edges of all kinds of waterbodies (ditches, rivers, lakes, ponds). It frequently forms dense trailing populations in the shallow water, whose shoot tips grow over the water surface. In nature, L. repens is a highly variable (polymorph) species and hybridises easily with other Ludwigia species, which makes scientific identification of the various local forms very difficult.

Ludwigia repens is among the most common aquarium plants world-wide. There are several forms of this species in trade. An especially colourful variety with round leaves is sold under the name "Ludwigia mesakana" or "mesacana". Allegedly, L. "repens" 'Rubin' is not to be counted among the species L. repens but is rather close to L. (read more)

Common names Creeping primrose-willow, Red Ludwigia
Synonyms Ludwigia natans Elliott
Complete botanical name Ludwígia répens J. R. Forst.
Family Onagraceae
Genus Ludwigia
Difficulty easy
Usage Background, Midground
Growth fast
pH value 5 - 7
Temperature tolerance 4 - 28°C
Carbonate hardness 2 - 15°dKH
General hardness 0 - 30°dGH
Propagation Cuttings
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Common names
Creeping primrose-willow, Red Ludwigia
Ludwigia natans Elliott
Complete botanical name
Ludwígia répens J. R. Forst.
Background, Midground
pH value
5 - 7
Temperature tolerance
4 - 28°C
Carbonate hardness
2 - 15°dKH
General hardness
0 - 30°dGH
Can grow emersed?

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