Rorippa aquatica

Lake cress

Rorippa aquatica

Lake cress

  • Also known as Armoracia aquatica
  • Small rosette plant
  • Variable leaf shape
  • Accent plant for the foreground
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
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Vordergrund Gruppe für Aquarium


Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Very slow
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Medium
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 5-10 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No
Sale ends 09.03.2025
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The Lake cress is a small amphibious plant from North America, known as aquarium plant for many years. When this small plant is grown submerged, it has a rosette-like habit or develops a short stem. The submerged leaves are hard, somewhat brittle and have a very variable shape. With its height of about 10 cm, this plant is recommendable as accent in the foreground. Rorippa aquatica is undemanding and slow growing. Moderate temperature (up to 25 °C) and nutrient-rich substrate are recommended. It can be propagated by adventitious plantlets which develop on the petioles of broken off leaves floating at the surface.

Water cabbage, or Rorippa aquatica, is a small amphibian plant found in the central and southern parts of the USA in the mud on the edges and in shallow water of springs, lakes, bogs, ditches and rivulets. It prefers clean, slow-flowing waters and is a rather rare plant in nature.
R. aquatica has long been cultivated as an aquarium plant, and it can sometimes be found in trade under its former name Armoracia aquatica. It is also known under the synonym Neobeckia aquatica. Rorippa aquatica differs from other Rorippa species like e.g. Rorippa amphibia, which is also found in Central Europe, by white instead of yellow flowers, among other characteristics.

Depending on the conditions it is grown in, R. aquatica can appear rather different. Submersed or non-flowering emersed plants form around 10 cm high leaf rosettes or upright stems with alternate leaves. (read more)

Synonyms Cochlearia armoracia var. aquatica Eaton, Armoracia aquatica (Eaton) Wiegand, Neobeckia aquatica (Eaton) Greene
Complete botanical name Roríppa aquática (Eaton) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
Family Brassicaceae
Genus Rorippa
Difficulty easy
Usage Foreground, group
Growth very slow
pH value 6 - 7
Temperature tolerance 4 - 27°C
Carbonate hardness 2 - 14°dKH
General hardness 0 - 30°dGH
Propagation Proliferating leaves, Cuttings
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Cochlearia armoracia var. aquatica Eaton, Armoracia aquatica (Eaton) Wiegand, Neobeckia aquatica (Eaton) Greene
Complete botanical name
Roríppa aquática (Eaton) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
Foreground, group
very slow
pH value
6 - 7
Temperature tolerance
4 - 27°C
Carbonate hardness
2 - 14°dKH
General hardness
0 - 30°dGH
Proliferating leaves, Cuttings
Can grow emersed?

General information

Item no.
Weight 0,10 kg
Shipping weight 0,10 kg

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