Rotala ramosior "Sunset"

Rotala ramosior "Sunset"

  • Also known as "Ammania sp. from Sulawesi"
  • Strikingly brown-red leaves with purple tones, green stems
  • Upright growth
  • Rarely available
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Vordergrund Gruppe für Aquarium


Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Hintergrundpflanze für Aquarium


Akzent (farbig) Aquarienpflanze

Accent (colour)

Aquarienpflanze für Nano-Aquarium


Straße (Holland-Stil-Aquarium)

Street (Dutch style)

Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Difficult
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Slow
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Soft
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 10-40 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 Yes

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This unique, rarely cultivated Rotala has also become known as "Ammania sp. from Sulawesi". It apparently belongs to Rotala ramosior, an annual species from wetlands from North to South America, which is also naturalised in Asia. Under water, Rotala ramosior "Sunset" forms straight, upright, sparsely branched stems. The elongated, cross-opposite leaves are strikingly brown-red with slightly red-violet tones under favourable conditions. The midrib and leaf base are a contrasting light green colour, and the stems are also green. The shoots are about 4 - 5 cm wide, the leaves 2.5 - 3 cm long and 4.5 mm wide. The stem is about 2 mm wide and densely covered with leaves. The stem nodes are 4 - 5 mm apart.
In addition to "Sunset", there are other R. ramosior forms such as "Florida" and a larger, green form from Virginia. "Florida" differs from "Sunset" in its strong red-violet tones, smaller, elliptical leaves and thinner stems; the plant also grows somewhat more slowly. In Rotala ramosior "Sunset", the more elongated leaves are more upright at the tip and more bent over further down the stem.


Rotala ramosior "Sunset" has only a moderate growth rate. In our aquaria it has grown to a height of around 10 - 11 cm in one month. It is a demanding, light-loving plant; constant CO2 and macro- and micronutrient supply are recommended. Also fertilisation via the substrate is helpful. Especially young plantlets from tissue culture should only be planted in already cycled, well-running aquariums. As well as other stem plants, this Rotala can be propagated by cuttings. However this has to be done carefully. Rotala ramosior "Sunset" does not well tolerate hard cutting, and its propagation rate is rather low. When the remaining stumps of the stems are too short, they often rather die instead of developing side shoots. It is best to let the plants grow untouched for some time, then terminal cuttings can be made further up. When the stumps are vital enough, they will grow some side shoots that can be used for propagation again. In this way, by selective, careful trimming and replanting of cuttings, a group of the plant can be grown.


Rotala ramosior "Sunset" is a special gem in the aquarium with its straight, densely leafed shoots and its colour contrast between brown and purple-red leaves and green stems. With its colour tones, this Rotala has an appropriately chosen trade name. The plant looks best as a free-standing group in the midground that is not much taller than 20 cm.

- follows -

Synonyms Rotala sp.
Complete botanical name Rotála ramósior (L.) Koehne
Family Lythraceae
Genus Rotala
Difficulty difficult
Usage Accent (red), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
Aquascaping very colourful plant for accents
Growth slow
pH value 4 - 7
Temperature tolerance 18 - 30°C
Carbonate hardness 0 - 7°dKH
Propagation Cuttings
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Rotala sp.
Complete botanical name
Rotála ramósior (L.) Koehne
Accent (red), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
very colourful plant for accents
pH value
4 - 7
Temperature tolerance
18 - 30°C
Carbonate hardness
0 - 7°dKH
Can grow emersed?

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Szybka i tania wysyłka do Polski.
14th January 2023
Rotala ramosior "Sunset" - in Vitro
Rotala ramosior "Sunset" - in Vitro

The plant should be better protected (there should be bubble wrap in the cup to fill the void between the plant and the lid). (read more)