Rotala sp. "Long Leaf"

Rotala sp. "Long Leaf"

  • Also known as Rotala wallichii "Long Leaf"
  • Magnificent, fine-leaved stem plant
  • Resembling Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan", but more reddish
  • Rare in trade
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Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Hintergrundpflanze für Aquarium


Akzent (farbig) Aquarienpflanze

Accent (colour)

Aquarienpflanze für Nano-Aquarium


Straße (Holland-Stil-Aquarium)

Street (Dutch style)

Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Medium
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Fast
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Medium
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 15-60 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 Yes

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This finely leaved Rotala is mostly sold as Rotala wallichii "Long Leaf". However it resembles Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan" and possibly does not belong to the species Rotala wallichii. This plant is probably from tropical Asia. In its submerged form, it differs from R. sp. "Nanjenshan" by darker, more reddish coloration and upright growth. The shoots are up to about 5 cm wide. The submerged leaves are linear, to 1 mm wide and ca. 1,5-3 cm long, slightly tapering towards the tip. They are arranged in whorls of mostly 5 or 6. The upper side is light or medium green to yellowish or brown-red, the underside is pink. The stem is green and about 1,5 mm thick. The emersed plants have coarser, broader, light green leaves.

As well as Rotala wallichii, "Long Leaf" prefers rather soft water, good lighting, CO2 supply and regular, complete fertilization with macro and micro nutrients. Strong lighting provides the best reddish coloration of the foliage. Under good conditions, the growth is quite fast. As other stem plants, this Rotala is easily propagated by cuttings.

Rotala sp. "Long Leaf" looks most beautiful as a larger group in the midground to background of not too small aquariums. This plant adds a further nuance to the variety of texture and colour of the fine-leaved Rotalas.

Synonyms Rotala wallichii ''Long Leaf'', Rotala sp., Rotala cf. occultiflora
Family Lythraceae
Genus Rotala
Difficulty medium
Texture feinfiedrig
Usage Background, Midground, Street (Dutch style)
Aquascaping fine-leaved
Height 20 - 60cm
Width 3 - 4cm
Growth fast
Propagation Cuttings
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Rotala wallichii ''Long Leaf'', Rotala sp., Rotala cf. occultiflora
Background, Midground, Street (Dutch style)
20 - 60cm
3 - 4cm
Can grow emersed?

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