Vallisneria australis

Giant Vallisneria

Vallisneria australis

Giant Vallisneria

  • Also known as Vallisneria gigantea and V. americana "Gigantea"
  • Very long, broad, ribbon-shaped leaves
  • Green to reddish coloration
  • Undemanding plant for large tanks
  • Useful to create a jungle-like atmosphere
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Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Hintergrundpflanze für Aquarium


Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Fast
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Hard
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 30-80 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No
Diskus im Pflanzenaquarium
Discus suitable Yes
Barsch im Pflanzenaquarium
Perch resistant Yes
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When supplied as a potted plant and/or bunch, it is very important that it is not planted in direct company of invertebrates. The plant should be watered for at least a week - with regular water changes - before introducing it into your aquarium. The plant nurseries commonly use raw material from Asia for these variants. When planted into an existing ecosystem, it is possible that invertebrates could be harmed. There should be no issues with a new set-up - but regular water changes are advised as well.

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The Giant Vallisneria is an easy plant that grows fast, suitable for large aquariums. Mostly labeled Vallisneria gigantea and V. sp. "Gigantea" in the trade, the plant actually belongs to the Australian species Vallisneria australis.

In most aquariums the leaves grow so long that they float on the surface (50-150 cm, width 2 cm and above). In these cases the plant needs pruning to stop it taking too much light from plants growing beneath.

The leaves are tough and strong, so they are normally not eaten by herbivorous fish.

The Giant Vallisneria is easy to propagate using runners, which are prolific if the bottom is nutritious. It grows also at cooler temperatures in unheated tanks.

Synonyms Vallisneria spiralis var. procera Rodway
Misapplied names Vallisneria americana, Vallisneria gigantea, Vallisneria neotropicalis
Trader names Vallisneria americana var. gigantea
Complete botanical name Vallisnéria austrális S.W.L. Jacobs & Les
Family Hydrocharitaceae
Genus Vallisneria
Difficulty easy
Growth fast
pH value 6 - 8
Temperature tolerance 4 - 32°C
Carbonate hardness 2 - 21°dKH
Propagation Runners
Can grow emersed? no
Source Flowgrow
Vallisneria spiralis var. procera Rodway
Misapplied names
Vallisneria americana, Vallisneria gigantea, Vallisneria neotropicalis
Trader names
Vallisneria americana var. gigantea
Complete botanical name
Vallisnéria austrális S.W.L. Jacobs & Les
pH value
6 - 8
Temperature tolerance
4 - 32°C
Carbonate hardness
2 - 21°dKH
Can grow emersed?

General information

Item no.
EAN 5703249054005
Weight 0,10 kg
Shipping weight 0,20 kg

Customers ask customers

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Boa tarde, essa planta pode ser plantado em areia?
Rui P.
Jan. 2024
Aquasabi Support
Feb. 2024
Vallisneria australis can be planted in sand, but then requires good fertilisation.

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