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- Natural water treatment through bio-augmentation
- Increases water clarity and reduces excess nutrients
- For use in freshwater and marine systems
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- Removes phosphates and silicates
- Can be used in freshwater and marine systems
- Easy and safe usage
In stock, only 12 left
- Innovative combination of aluminum oxide and granular ferric oxide
- Removes phosphate quick and reliably
- Not chemically coated or treated
- Does not need to be replaced
In stock, only 4 left
- Adjusts pH to the neutral range
- Removes any chlorine, chloramine, and detoxifying ammonia
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- Ultimate clarifier for both fresh- and saltwater
- Reef and plant safe
- Clears up chemical clouding, particulate clouding and more
In stock, only 7 left
- Adjusts pH to the alkaline range
- Supports optimal environment for all alkaline acclimated species
In stock, only 7 left
- Adjusts pH to the acidic range
- Calcium and magnesium are precipitated
- Supports optimal environment for all acid acclimated species
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- Removes harmful substances like copper and other heavy metals
- Improves biological activity in the substrate and the filter
- Shortens the time a newly set-up tank needs to cycle
- Reduces stress and deaths during transport in fish and shrimps
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- Preparation to safely reduce the pH level
- Phosphate-free
- Contains a natural oak extract
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- Reliably absorbs lethal copper
- For initial setup and water changes
- Minerals support moulting
- Neutralizes chlorine compounds
- No harmful effect on the shell of crustaceans or shrimp