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  • Intensively branching
  • Light green to red-brown
  • Narrower leaves than regular 'Siamensis'
  • Undemanding
  • Fast growing
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  • Also labelled as Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta'
  • Light green, lanceolate leaves
  • Fast growing
  • Very hardy and undemanding
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  • Very bushy growth
  • Reddish stem
  • Undemanding
Price on request
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  • Also known as Hygrophila guyanensis
  • Narrow-leaved stem plant from South America
  • Light green
  • Upright growth
In stock, only 19 left
  • Divided, freshly green leaves
  • Especially decorative in large tanks
  • Undemanding
  • Fast growing
Price on request
In stock, only 10 left
  • Rare Hygrophila species from Africa
  • Light green, pinnate leaves
  • Slow growth
Price on request
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  • Ornamental leaf shape
  • Highly decorative leaf patterns
  • Can be used in many different ways
  • Attaches itself to hardscape
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  • New variant of Hygrophila pinnatifida
  • Also called Hygrophila pinnatifida 'UK'
  • More tendency to red coloration
  • Deeper lobed leaves
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  • Stem plant with roundish leaves
  • Medium fast growth
  • No high demands
  • In the terrestrial form with splendid flowers
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  • Also known as "Samolus parviflorus 'Red'"
  • Novelty from South China
  • Striking red-leaved rosette plant
  • Not very demanding
  • Looks completely different as an emersed plant