In stock, only 11 left
  • More intense red tone than Alternanthera reineckii 'Rosaefolia'
  • Relatively narrow leaf shape
  • Especially suitable for Dutch style aquariums
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  • Also known as Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink'
  • Deeply red stem plant
  • Has been in the hobby for a long time, very popular
  • Especially suitable for Holland-style tanks
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  • One of the most beautiful Aponogetons
  • Very wavy leaves
  • Light green, transparent
Price on request
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  • Magnificent rosette plant
  • Wavy, elongate leaves
  • Mauve leaf undersides
  • Relatively rare in trade
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  • Narrow-leaved solitary plant
  • Natural appearance
  • Warmth tolerant, suitable for Discus tanks
In stock, only 16 left
  • Impressive solitary plant in large aquaria
  • Narrow leaf shape
  • Undemanding
  • Suitable for discus tanks
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  • Medium-sized Echinodorus wild type
  • Solitary plant also for smaller tanks
  • Develops many durable leaves
  • Undemanding
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  • Intensively branching
  • Light green to red-brown
  • Narrower leaves than regular 'Siamensis'
  • Undemanding
  • Fast growing
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  • Also labelled as Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta'
  • Light green, lanceolate leaves
  • Fast growing
  • Very hardy and undemanding
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  • Lanceolate leaves with red-brown tones
  • Upright habit
  • Fast growing
  • Very hardy and undemanding
  • Easily flowering in emersed culture