In stock
  • Grass-like look
  • About 10 cm high
  • Especially suitable for paludariums and terrariums
In stock, only 20 left
  • Relatively small Anubias variety
  • Robust, hard leaves
  • Can be used in many ways
In stock
  • Small-leaved epiphyte
  • Robust, hard leaves
  • Very undemanding
  • Suitable for every aquarium
In stock
  • Light coloured epiphyte
  • Lemon yellow leaves
  • As robust as normal Anubias barteri var. nana
  • Nice contrast to dark green plants
Price on request
In stock
  • Ornamental leaf shape
  • Highly decorative leaf patterns
  • Can be used in many different ways
  • Attaches itself to hardscape
In stock
  • New variant of Hygrophila pinnatifida
  • Also called Hygrophila pinnatifida 'UK'
  • More tendency to red coloration
  • Deeper lobed leaves
Out of stock
  • Small, compact fern from India
  • Up to 15 cm in height
  • Decorative leaf structure
  • Ideal epiphyte for nano tanks
In stock
  • New aquarium plant from the Philippines
  • Still rarely available
  • Excellent aquarium suitability
  • Small light green, elliptic leaves