In stock
  • Grass-like look
  • About 10 cm high
  • Especially suitable for paludariums and terrariums
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  • This fern stays very small
  • Pinnate leaves
  • Well-suited for paludaria
In stock
  • Also known as Bucephalandra sp. "Rosmarin" and "Rosemary"
  • Very narrow, smooth leaves
  • Tufted growth
In stock
  • Also known as 'Wavy Green ' and 'Wavy Leaf'
  • Green leaves with wavy margin
  • Bushy habit
  • Grows faster than many other Bucephalandras
  • Undemanding
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  • Bluish tinge
  • Oval leaf shape
  • Very easy to care for
In stock, only 18 left
  • Small epiphyte with spathulate, wavy leaves
  • Very dark green tone
  • Tufted, compact growth habit
In stock, only 20 left
  • Relatively large, broad-leaved Bucephalandra variant
  • Dark green to brownish tones
  • About 9 cm high
In stock, only 2 left
  • Epiphyte from Central Kalimantan
  • Compact growth habit
  • Brown-green to reddish tones
Out of stock
  • Decorative, small Bucephalandra form
  • Densely bushy, spreading habit
  • Elongate leaves with curly margin
  • Magnificent dark purple and brown-orange tones
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  • Attractive epiphyte
  • Elliptic leaves with wavy margin
  • Blue-green shine