In stock
  • Medium-sized Anubias
  • Robust, undemanding
  • Interesting lanceolate leaf shape
  • Also suitable for smaller tanks
In stock
  • New, small Anubias selection
  • Green form of Anubias 'Variegated Small Leaf'
  • Dense growth habit
In stock
  • Also known as Anubias minima 'Variegated'
  • Interesting lanceolate leaf shape
  • White variegation
  • Undemanding epiphyte
  • Still rarely available
In stock
  • Medium-sized Anubias
  • Robust, undemanding
  • Narrowly lanceolate leaf shape
  • Spreading growth habit
In stock, only 10 left
  • Yellow-green, very small leaves
  • New cultivar, still very rare
  • Very compact growth habit
  • Narrow leaf shape
  • Well suited for nano aquariums
In stock
  • One of the smallest leaved Anubias forms
  • New cultivar, still very rare
  • Very compact growth habit
  • Narrow leaf shape
  • First-class epiphyte for nano tanks
Out of stock
  • Medium-sized to large Anubias
  • Robust, undemanding
  • Lanceolate to hastate leaf shape
  • Also interesting for rainforest paludariums
Out of stock
  • Novelty, also traded as "Anubias congensis Mini"
  • Small, narrow-leaved Anubias
  • Robust and undemanding
Out of stock
  • Bluish tinge
  • Oval leaf shape
  • Very easy to care for
In stock, only 18 left
  • Small epiphyte with spathulate, wavy leaves
  • Very dark green tone
  • Tufted, compact growth habit