In stock
  • Robust, fast-growing moss
  • Attaches itself to hardscape
  • Recommenable for natural tanks
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
Out of stock
  • Small, compact fern from India
  • Up to 15 cm in height
  • Decorative leaf structure
  • Ideal epiphyte for nano tanks
Out of stock
  • Young leaves have brown-to-orange tips
  • Relatively narrow leaves
  • Rare form of Java fern
  • Not available in trade elsewhere
Out of stock
  • Striking heavily bullous leaf structure
  • Fresh green in colour
  • Relatively small Java fern variant
  • Rarely found in trade
Out of stock
  • Perfect for nature aquariums
  • A bigger "Needle Leaf" version
  • Ribbon-shaped, long, narrow leaves
  • Undemanding epiphyte
Out of stock
  • Extremely narrow ribbon-shaped leaves
  • Dense bushy growth habit
  • Rather dark green
  • Rarely available in trade