Price on request
In stock
  • Decorative leaf shape
  • Very slow growth
  • Low light demand
  • Especially suited for paludariums and terrariums
In stock
  • This fern stays very small
  • Pinnate leaves
  • Well-suited for paludaria
In stock, only 4 left
  • Also known as Bolbitis Gametophyte
  • Exceptional aquarium plant
  • Resembling a liverwort
  • Very slow growth
In stock
  • Also known as Bucephalandra sp. "Rosmarin" and "Rosemary"
  • Very narrow, smooth leaves
  • Tufted growth
Out of stock
  • Also known as "Philodendron sp. Papua New Guinea"
  • Elegant tropical climbing plant
  • Very decorative in open aquariums and paludariums
Price on request
In stock
  • Ornamental leaf shape
  • Highly decorative leaf patterns
  • Can be used in many different ways
  • Attaches itself to hardscape
In stock
  • New variant of Hygrophila pinnatifida
  • Also called Hygrophila pinnatifida 'UK'
  • More tendency to red coloration
  • Deeper lobed leaves
Out of stock
  • Freshly green liverwort
  • Lighter green and smaller than Monosolenium tenerum
  • Forms dense cushions
  • Not in trade elsewhere