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  • Also labeled as "Alternanthera cardinalis Variegata"
  • Deeply red plant with light pattern on the leaves
  • Suitable for setting striking colour accents
  • Relatively compact growth habit
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  • Branches readily
  • Nice light green colour
  • Robust and undemanding
  • Relatively slow growth
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  • Highly variable patterns on leaves
  • Green, white, pink and golden yellow hues
  • Best planted in groups
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  • Very decorative Cryptocoryne wendtii form
  • Red-brown submerged leaves
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 2 left
  • Very decorative Cryptocoryne wendtii form
  • Reddish leaves with stripe pattern
  • Wavy leaf margin
In stock, only 9 left
  • Very decorative Cryptocoryne wendtii form
  • Red-brown leaf coloration with conspicuous pattern
  • Easy to grow
In stock, only 8 left
  • Forms dense carpets or cushions
  • Small leaves
  • Spiky texture
  • Rare, new in the trade
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  • Also called Hygrophila sp. "Araguaya Sharp Leaf"
  • Uncommon appearance
  • Submersed leaves very narrow, reddish-brown
  • Creeping to bushy growth habit
  • Rather slow growth
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  • Grasslike groundcover
  • Adaptable
  • Narrowly spathulate leaves
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  • Unique stem plant, almost rosette-like
  • Horizontal growth habit
  • Orange-brown hues
  • Novelty, not available in trade elsewhere