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  • Also known as Cladophora aegagropila
  • Velvety, deeply green balls
  • Very slowly growing
  • Recommendable for shrimp tanks
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  • One of the smallest leaved Anubias forms
  • New cultivar, still very rare
  • Very compact growth habit
  • Narrow leaf shape
  • First-class epiphyte for nano tanks
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  • Also labeled "Fissidens geppii"
  • Highly decorative aquatic moss
  • Feathery appearance
  • Dark green coloration
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
In stock, only 7 left
  • Creeping to bushy growth
  • Slender narrow leaves
  • Star-shaped shoot tips
  • Rarely found in trade
In stock, only 11 left
  • Relatively small-leaved
  • Leaves are green to reddish
  • Variable leaf shape, longish to ovate
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  • Robust stem plant
  • Forms dense groups
  • Wonderful orange colours