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  • Also known as Cladophora aegagropila
  • Velvety, deeply green balls
  • Very slowly growing
  • Recommendable for shrimp tanks
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  • Also known as 'Wavy Green ' and 'Wavy Leaf'
  • Green leaves with wavy margin
  • Bushy habit
  • Grows faster than many other Bucephalandras
  • Undemanding
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  • Forms long, narrow leaves
  • Green to brownish hues
  • Robust and undemanding
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  • Also known as Cryptocoryne lutea 'Hobbit'
  • Very small water trumpet
  • Ideal for smallest tanks
  • Submerged leaves violet-brown
  • Undemanding
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  • Chocolate brown submerged leaves
  • 10-15 cm high
  • Suited for the foreground
  • Undemanding
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  • Small, compact fern from India
  • Up to 15 cm in height
  • Decorative leaf structure
  • Ideal epiphyte for nano tanks
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  • Narrow-leaved red stem plant
  • Orange-red to pink hues
  • Loosely upright ramified growth habit