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In stock, only 13 left
  • Leaves with interesting dark pattern
  • Remains low
  • Slow growth rate
In stock, only 15 left
  • Also labeled as Nomaphila siamensis 'Parvifolia'
  • Very low growth
  • Suitable for the foreground
  • Medium light demand
In stock, only 19 left
  • Divided, freshly green leaves
  • Especially decorative in large tanks
  • Undemanding
  • Fast growing
Out of stock
  • Unique pinnately lobed leaves
  • Broder leaf segments than in the normal "Trident"
  • Especially decorative as large bush
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  • Also known as Nymphoides sp. 'Flipper'
  • Looks like a water lily
  • Bright light green wavy leaves
  • Easy to cultivate, fast grower
In stock
  • Big, broad leaves
  • Upright habit
  • Fast growing
  • Very hardy and undemanding
  • Easily flowering in emersed culture