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  • Deeply red low-growing stem plant
  • One of the very few red foreground plants
  • Sets a strong colour accent
In stock, only 19 left
  • Also known as Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink'
  • Deeply red stem plant
  • Has been in the hobby for a long time, very popular
  • Especially suitable for Holland-style tanks
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  • Also labeled as "Alternanthera cardinalis Variegata"
  • Deeply red plant with light pattern on the leaves
  • Suitable for setting striking colour accents
  • Relatively compact growth habit
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  • Light green
  • Forms dense bushes
  • Relatively small leaves
  • Very easy
Price on request
In stock, only 14 left
  • Recommendable low-growing Echinodorus cultivar
  • 10-20 cm tall
  • Medium-green leaves with wavy edge
  • Also suited for the foreground and nano aquariums
In stock, only 16 left
  • Echinodorus cultivar with striking pattern
  • Dark red spots on brown-red ground
  • Fast growing
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 11 left
  • Also known as 'Ozelot Red'
  • Colourful Echinodorus cultivar
  • Dark red spots on brown-red ground
  • Fast growing
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 13 left
  • Ruby leaves, dark red nerves
  • Narrowly egg-shaped leaves
  • Relatively low
  • Also suitable for small tanks
Price on request
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  • Relatively low Echinodorus cultivar
  • Deeply dark red with lighter nerves
  • Broadly elliptic leaves
  • Undemanding
Price on request
In stock, only 14 left
  • Medium sized sword plant
  • New leaves pink with dark red spots
  • Very narrowly elliptic leaf shape
  • Undemanding