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  • Fast-growing floating fern
  • Filigree, fractal-like pattern
  • Highly decorative in open tanks
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  • Light green
  • Forms dense bushes
  • Relatively small leaves
  • Very easy
In stock, only 10 left
  • Forms long, creeping shoots
  • Roundish leaves
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
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  • Delicate stem plant
  • Bushy and densely foliated
  • Bright reddish colour under lots of light
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  • Relatively low Echinodorus cultivar
  • Red tones, strong red-brown spot pattern
  • Narrowly elliptic leaves
  • Undemanding
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  • The most popular ground covering plant there is
  • Forms intense green carpets
  • Fast grower
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  • Grasslike ground covering plant
  • Very narrow leaves
  • Olive green to reddish coloration
  • Spreads fast through runners
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  • Also known as Micranthemum glomeratum and "M. micranthemoides"
  • Delicate fresh green stem plant
  • Small leaves
  • Forms dense bushes
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  • Branching, bushy stem plant
  • Light green coloration
  • Grass-like leaves
  • Stellate leaf formation
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  • Intensively branching
  • Light green to red-brown
  • Narrower leaves than regular 'Siamensis'
  • Undemanding
  • Fast growing