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  • Also known as Ceratopteris thalictroides "Fein"
  • Fine-leaved
  • Fast growing
  • Not demanding
  • Also suitable as floating plant
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  • Forms creeping or overhanging shoots
  • Pretty leaf form
  • Fresh light green colour
  • Can be used in many different ways
  • One of the most popular plants in aquascaping
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  • Light green
  • Fast growing
  • Very undemanding
  • Recommended for initial planting
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  • Light leaf veins
  • Light green, yellowish to red hues
  • Easy to cultivate
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  • Fast-growing floating plant
  • Smooth, round leaves
  • Long roots
  • Recommendable for breeding tanks
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  • Fine-leaved
  • Light green with reddish hue
  • Fast growing
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 17 left
  • Striking white to reddish leaf veins
  • Decorative lobed leaf shape
  • Very fast grower
  • Undemanding