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  • Large swamp plant from North to South America
  • Broad, heart-shaped leaves
  • Showy white flowers
  • Recommendable for open tanks
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  • Large solitary plant with variegated leaves
  • Longish, heart-shaped leaves
  • Easy and fast growing
  • Also suitable as half-emersed plant in open tanks
In stock, only 20 left
  • Large, entirely green solitary plant
  • Elongate, ovate leaves
  • No high demands
  • Comparatively fast growing
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  • Also labelled as Hygrophila corymbosa 'Stricta'
  • Light green, lanceolate leaves
  • Fast growing
  • Very hardy and undemanding
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  • Lanceolate leaves with red-brown tones
  • Upright habit
  • Fast growing
  • Very hardy and undemanding
  • Easily flowering in emersed culture
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  • Very bushy growth
  • Reddish stem
  • Undemanding
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  • New Hygrophila species from India
  • Reddish brown to dark olive green
  • Fast growth
  • Recommended for the background
  • Not demanding
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  • Good plant for starters
  • Light green coloration
  • Eyecatcher
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  • Also known as Nymphoides sp. 'Flipper'
  • Looks like a water lily
  • Bright light green wavy leaves
  • Easy to cultivate, fast grower
In stock, only one left
  • Large, light green stem plant
  • Upright habit
  • Up to 15 cm long, narrow leaves