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  • Deeply red low-growing stem plant
  • One of the very few red foreground plants
  • Sets a strong colour accent
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  • Light green
  • Forms dense bushes
  • Relatively small leaves
  • Very easy
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  • Broad lanceolate leaves
  • Brownish coloration with flecked pattern
  • Robust and adaptable
In stock, only 8 left
  • Red-brown leaves
  • Dark marmoration
  • Easy to keep
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  • Also known as Cryptocoryne axelrodii
  • Time-tested popular Crypt
  • Leaves narrow lanceolate, with undulate margins
  • Brown hues, dark marbling
In stock, only 9 left
  • Extraordinary pink tones
  • Slow growth
  • Striking accent in the foreground to midground
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  • Decorative, rarely available Cryptocoryne
  • Light green leaves with red-brown zone
  • Wavy leaf margin
  • Low demands
Out of stock
  • Broadly lanceolate leaves
  • Brown colour with feather-like pattern
  • Undemanding
In stock, only 19 left
  • Reddish-brown slighly bullate leaves
  • Grows relatively high
  • Suitable for high temperatures
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  • Very decorative Cryptocoryne wendtii form
  • Red-brown submerged leaves
  • Undemanding