In stock, only 3 left
  • Little known rarity
  • Medium green with red-brown tones
  • Moderate growth rate
  • Also interesting for paludariums and wabi-kusa
In stock, only 10 left
  • Delicate moss, growing upright
  • Well suited for nano tanks
  • Not demanding
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  • Fast-growing floating fern
  • Filigree, fractal-like pattern
  • Highly decorative in open tanks
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  • Strictly upright growth habit
  • Relatively slow growth rate
  • Undemanding
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  • Upright growth habit
  • Light green colour
  • Relatively slowly growing
  • Robust and undemanding
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  • Delicate stem plant
  • Bushy and densely foliated
  • Bright reddish colour under lots of light
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  • Hairlike stems
  • Grows to form a medium-high lawn
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
In stock
  • Impressive grasslike background plant
  • Very thin, long stems
  • Very popular in aquascaping
Out of stock
  • Large aquatic moss
  • Nice dark green colours
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
In stock, only 20 left
  • Forms dense carpets or cushions
  • Small leaves
  • Spiky texture
  • Rare, new in the trade