Out of stock
  • Rare moss from Borneo
  • Dark green, overhanging to bushy habit
  • Attaches to hardscape
Out of stock
  • Also labeled "Fissidens geppii"
  • Highly decorative aquatic moss
  • Feathery appearance
  • Dark green coloration
  • Also suitable for cold water tanks
Out of stock
  • Freshly green liverwort
  • Lighter green and smaller than Monosolenium tenerum
  • Forms dense cushions
  • Not in trade elsewhere
Out of stock
  • Novelty, not available in trade elsewhere
  • Creeping to overhanging growth habit
  • Attaches to the substrate reliably
  • Deep green colour
  • Also suitable as low-growing ground cover
In stock, only 17 left
  • Almost like the branch of a fir
  • Intensive dark green colour
  • Grows relatively fast for a moss
In stock
  • Densely ramifying
  • Horizontal growth habit
  • Attaches well to the substate
In stock
  • Moss rarity from southern Thailand
  • Densely ramifying
  • Horizontal low growth habit
  • Undemanding
In stock
  • Overhanging growth
  • Dark green hue
  • Densely ramifying
  • Very popular in aquascaping
In stock
  • Very densely ramified, bushy growth
  • Soft, delicate texture
  • Light green colour
  • Attaches well to the substate