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  • Medium-sized to large Anubias
  • Robust, undemanding
  • Lanceolate to hastate leaf shape
  • Also interesting for rainforest paludariums
In stock
  • Time-tested popular Crypt
  • Green to brownish hues
  • Rather upright growth habit
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  • Also known as Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini'
  • Small, light green swordplant
  • Ovate to cordate leaves
  • Recommendable for nano tanks
  • Undemanding
Out of stock
  • Medium-sized Echinodorus wild type
  • Solitary plant also for smaller tanks
  • Develops many durable leaves
  • Undemanding
In stock
  • Very bushy growth
  • Reddish stem
  • Undemanding
Out of stock
  • New Hygrophila species from India
  • Reddish brown to dark olive green
  • Fast growth
  • Recommended for the background
  • Not demanding
In stock, only one left
  • Large, light green stem plant
  • Upright habit
  • Up to 15 cm long, narrow leaves