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  • Also known as Nesaea crassicaulis
  • Nice reddish hues
  • Rather upright growth habit
In stock, only 18 left
  • Colourful stem plant
  • Narrow, 7 to 12 cm long leaves
  • Upright growth habit
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  • Also known as Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden'
  • Greenish yellow to golden tones
  • Provides a striking, bright colour accent
In stock, only 2 left
  • Copper-red stem plant
  • Narrow leaves
  • Also suitable for smaller tanks
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  • One of the most beautiful Aponogetons
  • Very wavy leaves
  • Light green, transparent
In stock, only 17 left
  • Small, round leaves
  • White stripe pattern
  • Strictly upright growth habit
  • Undemanding
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  • Relatively small-leaved Ludwigia
  • Light to medium green tones
  • Bushy growth
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  • Relatively small-leaved Ludwigia
  • Olive-green to cherry-red tones
  • Bushy growth
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  • Gorgeous solitary plant for bigger tanks
  • Reddish-green to red leaves
  • Dark spot and stripe pattern
  • The most popular waterlily in the aquarium hobby