9. Early Prevention of Algae

Brown-colored diatom algae may grow in the first to second week of an aquarium. It is advisable to add algae eater to the aquarium in advance.
Caridina japonica | Otocinclus sp. | Crossocheilus siamensis
10. Trimming of Aquatic Plants

During first trimming, the plants should be cut along the lowest trimming line possible to achieve long-term maintenance of aquatic plants. It is recommended to use ADA Trimming Scissors and ADA Pro Scissors.

ADA Pro Scissors Short
11. Application of Green Gain

After pruning, add ADA Green Gain to the aquarium for one week to stimulate the formation of terminal buds. It also helps to branch out plant stems for achieving a lush appearance.

ADA Green Gain - Botanical hormones promote the formation of terminal buds.
12. Trimming of Foreground Plants

Foreground plants should be trimmed before it becomes too thick. It is recommended to use ADA Trimming Scissors with curved blades for easier trimming.
1. ADA Pro Scissors Wave Type
2. ADA Trimming Scissors Straight type
3. Early trimming helps to achieve long-term maintenance of aquascapes.
Enjoy a 60cm Aquascape
Aquascapes with diverse tropical fishes and aquatic plants have a tropical mood. Fishes swimming freely among aquatic plants look natural and lively.
1. Microgeophagus ramirezi
2. Nematobrycon palmeri
3. Hemigrammus erythrozonus
4. Hyphessobrycon sweglesi
1. SUIKEI Food - For costconscious users
2. Fish Food AP-1 - For users who focus on rich nutrition
3. ADA AP-Glass Feeder
The Final Layout

ADA Cube Garden W60×D30×H36cm
Lighting system: Green Glow/604 (NA Lamp 20W x 4), Lighting for 10 hours a day
Filtration system: ADA Superjet Filter ES-600, (ADA Bio Rio & ADA NA-Carbon)
Substrate: ADA Aqua Soil-Amazonia, ADA Power Sand Special, ADA Bacter 100, ADA Clear Super, PENAC W & PENAC P
CO2: ADA Advanced CO2 System, 3 bubbles per second with ADA Bubble Counter
AIR: Aeration with ADA Lily Pipe, For 14 hours while lighting is OFF at night
Additives: ADA Brighty K, ADA Green Brighty STEP 2, ADA Green Gain & ADA Phyton Git
Water change: 1/3 water change once a week
Water quality: Water temperature 25°C pH:6.8 TH:20mg/l NH4: 0mg/l NO2: 0mg/l NO3: 0mg/l PO4 0mg/l
COD: 6mg/l
Aquatic plants:
Eleocharis acicularis
Glossostigma elatinoides
Anubias barteri var. barteri
Rotala indica
Rotala macranda
Rotala sp.
Rotala nanjenshan
Rotala wallichii
Ludwigia arcuata
Rotala rotundifolia
Eleocharis vivipara
Cyperus helferi
Bolbitis heudelotii
Vesicularia "Christmas Moss"
Nematobrycon palmeri
Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Microgeophagus ramirezi
Thoracocharax stellatus
Hyphessobrycon sweglesi
Otocinclus sp.
Caridina japonica
Source and Copyright of the article/photos - Aqua Design Amano - ADA