Oase biOrb
This category offers the opportunity to venture into terraristics in our aquaristics online shop. If an aquascaper wants to buy a terrarium, the Oase biOrb all-in-one terrariums are worth a try. The ingenious design fits perfectly into the environment between the aquarium and the Wabi Kusa. The intelligent technology enables an optimal self-sufficient, tropical environment even for exotic plants. The fully automatic terrariums regulate humidity, lighting intensity, temperature and even air circulation independently. A day-night cycle including sunrise and sunset can also be simulated by a biOrb. The very clear and thick acrylic glass is durable and offers a great 360° view of the beautifully designed interior. With 60 or 30 litres of volume, any number of imaginative projects can be implemented.In addition to the terrariums, this category also contains some important accessories for the biOrbs as well as the HumidMist, new filter cartridges and decoration material.