Pianta messa in gruppo ed in primo piano.
Soddisfa le aspettative, di un bel colore verde
A mio modesto parere un bel gruppo di più piante è di effetto.

The portion was super big, and it seems like maybe the plant was already full grown? It has not changed much since I planted it. (read more)

An old favorite the pretty light green Cryptocoryne wendtii! A pretty, easy and undemanding plant, that grows into thick patches. sutable for the middle ground.

It was about more than 40! roots.I was plant them in my Stendkers Discusfish aquarium.T=28.5'C, light 6500K daylight 10h a day about 0.45w/L. (read more)

Very beautiful for the bright green of its leaves on the reddish stem. After a few days it begins to grow unlike other slower cryptocoryne species. (read more)