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Roots - natural aesthetics in the terrarium!

Hardscape elements in the terrarium are an integral part of the design. Their purpose is to give the layout of the terrarium a natural look and at the same time serve as a basis for planting and decoration.

Hardwoods such as Mopani root or river wood can be an important part of the terrarium design, as they give the plants an opportunity for epiphytic colonisation and also serve as hiding places and climbing opportunities. Our selected types of wood also offer a natural look for the various terrarium species and a particularly natural appearance.

Depending on the type and size of the terrarium, roots are placed specifically and combined or glued together. The ideally assembled sets in our shop offer creative freedom and make a long search for the right combination of wood unnecessary. The contents of a set can be used to create different heights and levels, giving the plants more space to grow and develop. The use of mosses, ferns and ground cover plants can also help the roots to blend in perfectly with their surroundings.

Numerous different types of wood can be purchased in our online shop, which differ significantly from one another and can be used in all kinds of biotopes, including semi-wet ones. The very popular red bogwood, also often found under the trade names spider wood or finger wood, offers a particularly natural look thanks to its delicate ramifications.

When using in a paludarium or aquaterrarium, it should be noted that constantly damp wood harbours the risk of mould developing at the transition from the water column to the air. This usually disappears by itself, but it is advisable to flood such constantly damp areas at regular intervals. This measure can have a preventative effect on the formation of mould.

Overall, wooden hardscape in the terrarium offers the opportunity to recreate the natural environment of the plants and at the same time create a visually appealing design. With a targeted placement and combination of hardscape elements and sufficient LED lighting, a terrarium can be created that is not only visually appealing, but also provides optimum conditions for the growth and development of flora and fauna.