Bucephalandra sp. "Serimbu Brown"

Bucephalandra sp. "Serimbu Brown"

  • Dark greed to brownish-red hues
  • Flowers frequently
  • Light pink spathe, small
  • Low growth
  • Creeping rhizome
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Aufsitzerpflanze für Aquarium


Vordergrund Gruppe für Aquarium


Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Aquarienpflanze für Nano-Aquarium


Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Slow
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Low
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Medium
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 5-10 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No

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This plant has been in cultivation since around 2004 under the name Bucephalandra motleyana, making it one of the "longest-serving" Bucephalandras in the aquarium hobby. It was found by Wim Tomey (Netherlands) in the area of Serimbu, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan. From today's perspective, however, it is not Bucephalandra motleyana in the narrower sense, but an as yet undetermined species, which we provisionally call Bucephalandra sp. "Braun/rot Serimbu" or Serimbu Brown". Recently it has also been marketed with the label "Brownie", but has nothing to do with the true "Brownie" forms from Kapuas Hulu.
Like other Bucephalandra species, this plant grows in the wild as a rheophyte attached to rocks in fast-flowing, shady rainforest streams, where it is exposed to frequent changes between flooding and falling dry. It can grow both above and permanently under water and is ideal as a slow-growing aquarium plant.

This Bucephalandra is small to medium-sized and has an almost rosette-like growth habit. The rootstock (the rhizome) grows creeping to ascending and is relatively compact and branches out strongly. The leaves are spathulate to obovate-lanceolate, ascending to flatly spreading. The leaf margin is rather straight, not wavy as with many other Bucephalandras. Young leaves are light brown-red to apricot and iridescent green, older leaves are dark green with a bluish-grey sheen. The upper side of the leaves has a slight lustre. This Bucephalandra is prolific bloomer, both emersed and submerged. Well-growing plants form many inflorescences with brown-red stems and pale pink-coloured spathes.

Like other Bucephalandra forms, Bucephalandra sp. "Serimbu Brown" can be used as a perching plant for the hardscape or attached to the substrate, e.g. with a small stone or plant pin. The rhizome must not be buried, otherwise it could rot. The roots will grow into the substrate on their own.

- under revision -

Synonyms Bucephalandra motleyana ''Braun-rot''
Family Araceae
Genus Bucephalandra
Difficulty easy
Usage Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
Growth slow
pH value 5 - 7
Temperature tolerance 20 - 26°C
Carbonate hardness 0 - 10°dKH
General hardness 0 - 30°dGH
Propagation Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Bucephalandra motleyana ''Braun-rot''
Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
pH value
5 - 7
Temperature tolerance
20 - 26°C
Carbonate hardness
0 - 10°dKH
General hardness
0 - 30°dGH
Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
Can grow emersed?

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This item has been rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
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Laurence A.
Excellent - Very beautiful
15th August 2015
Bucephalandra sp. "Serimbu Brown"
Bucephalandra sp. "Serimbu Brown"

Plant received in excellent condition and with a very good size. This plant has leaves more round and smaller than bucephalandra brown/rot narrow. (read more)

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