Echinodorus × schlueteri

Mini swordplant

Echinodorus × schlueteri

Mini swordplant

  • Also known as Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini'
  • Small, light green swordplant
  • Ovate to cordate leaves
  • Suitable for nano tanks
  • Undemanding
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Vordergrund Gruppe für Aquarium


Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Aquarienpflanze für Nano-Aquarium


Solitärpflanze für Aquarium


Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Medium
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Hard
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 10-30 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No
Diskus im Pflanzenaquarium
Discus suitable Yes
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This small, light green swordplant is the true Echinodorus schlueteri, however it is mostly labeled Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini' and also known among aquarists as "E. aschersonianus". The name E. schlueteri was misapplied for decades to another, bigger swordplant whose correct name is Echinodorus × maculatus. The true E. schlueteri turned out as a hybrid between E. × maculatus and E. reptilis, therefore it is also written E. × schlueteri.

The Mini swordplant is an easy aquarium plant that does not exceed a height of 25 cm. The submerged leaves are longish egg-shaped to slightly heart-shaped and unicoloured light to middle green. The emersed leaves are more roundish with longer stalk. A typical feature of this swordplant are often spirally twisted roots. Good lighting and nutrient supply provided, it forms dense, relatively low leaf rosettes. It is well suited to the midground or as small group in the foreground of bigger tanks. In nano tanks it can also be used as solitary plant in the mid- or background. Not seldom it develops long, thin inflorescences with adventitious plantlets.

Due to its small size, Schlueter's swordplant is also recommendable for emersed layouts such as paludariums and Wabi-Kusa. During the warm period of the year it also grows well outdoor. The emersed plant is decorative due to its big, white flowers which appear on its creeping, thin inflorescences.

The plant usually denominated Echinodorus schlueteri in Germany is not identical with the plant that was scientifically described in 1981 by Karel Rataj as E. schlueteri, but is presented in this database as Echinodorus maculatus.
True E. schlueteri (sensu Rataj) is far less well-known. However, it is apparently identical with the plant sold as Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini'. A systematic molecular examination proved that E. schlueteri is very probably a hybrid of E. maculatus and newly described Echinodorus reptilis from south-eastern South America (Lehtonen & Falck 2009). Therefore it is named Echinodorus × schlueteri by Lehtonen, marked as a hybrid by that.

When cultivated submersed, E. schlueteri is a relatively low-growing plant with unicoloured light to medium green leaves. (read more)

Misapplied names Echinodorus aschersonianus, Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini'
Complete botanical name Echinódorus schluéteri Rataj
Family Alismataceae
Genus Echinodorus
Difficulty easy
Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
Height 5 - 20cm
Width 5 - 20cm
Growth medium
pH value 5 - 7
Temperature tolerance 15 - 30°C
Carbonate hardness 0 - 21°dKH
General hardness 0 - 30°dGH
Propagation Proliferating inflorescences, Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Misapplied names
Echinodorus aschersonianus, Echinodorus cordifolius 'Mini'
Complete botanical name
Echinódorus schluéteri Rataj
Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
5 - 20cm
5 - 20cm
pH value
5 - 7
Temperature tolerance
15 - 30°C
Carbonate hardness
0 - 21°dKH
General hardness
0 - 30°dGH
Proliferating inflorescences, Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
Can grow emersed?

General information

Item no.
EAN 4001615006629
Weight 0,10 kg
Shipping weight 0,10 kg

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Peter K.
Nice light green Echinodorus
1st April 2018
Echinodorus × schlueteri - Pot
Echinodorus × schlueteri - Pot

I ordered one pot and when I opened it I was surprised that there was not just one plant but 4 or 5 plants :) So I split it and planted every plant separately. (read more)

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