Eric M.
Very Nice plant
28th June 2021

Anubias barteri var. coffeifolia
Superb plants, very good quality, perfectly adapted packaging and root foam much easier to remove than usual rock wool. I recommend
la mas bonita
5th January 2022

Anubias barteri var. coffeifolia - Pot
es una de las alubias mas bonitas que hay tanto por la forma y textura de las hojas como por su color poco usual en las anubias
Peter K.
Very satisfied
1st April 2018

Anubias barteri var. coffeifolia - in Vitro XL
I ordered "in Vitro" variant and I get one pot with many plants. I don't know how many it was but I think that 8 and more. All of them were healthy and looked great. (read more)
Eleonora A.
16th March 2022

Anubias barteri var. coffeifolia - Pot
Per me è la varietà di Anubias più bella, le piante sono arrivate in perfette condizioni, hanno creato un angolo molto bello nel mio acquario
Eric M.
Very Nice plant
28th March 2021

Anubias barteri var. coffeifolia - Pot
Very nice and strong, very good package. Well arrived. No problem for the growth of the plant in the aquarium