Lili F.
Lovely little plant!
26th October 2020

Cryptocoryne beckettii "Petchii Pink" - Pot
Lovely potted plant, divided into several portions and planted with CO2. Two weeks later and theres no sign of melting, leaves a lovely satiny pale pink. So pretty!
Ludvig N.
Fantastic survivor
22nd March 2018

Cryptocoryne beckettii "Petchii Pink"
Beautiful hardy plant that really thrives in CO2-enriched aquariums. Can survive lowtech(turns green) for a long time and then come back pink with co2. (read more)
I. S.
A must have
7th July 2018

Cryptocoryne beckettii "Petchii Pink" - Pot
I did not think it was so colorful. grows smaller than the normal beckettii and wants very little light. Many seedlings!
Giselda G.
11th September 2020

Cryptocoryne beckettii "Petchii Pink" - Pot
Pianta bella e in salute, arrivata in tempi celeri, sta già cambiando colore. La raccomando, grazie per la cortesia e la disponibilità dimostrata.